
Gay Brighton is a tourist guide to Brighton's gay scene. The guide lists businesses, all are gay or gay friendly. All business have been visited by a member of our team recently.
We can't give any more travel info so please don't ask, instead check out VisitBrighton.
I'm a Business and want to be listed?
Contact us and we will consider you. You must be gay or gay friendly.
I'm a business and don't like my listing, can I change it?
We can't change listings unless we have made an error but we may change photos from time to time. Contact us and we will get back to you if we are able to make the change.
I'm a business and would like to be a sponsor?
We thought you'd never ask. We have one main sponsor at the moment, Legends. We are also looking for section sponsors and advertisers. Ad rates start at £50 per month (min 6 months) sponsorship starts at £500 for a minimum of 1 year and includes free run of site ads. Contact us for full advertiser pack.